Open for yourself the wolrd of Virtual Learning Environments, that works just in Web browser. Nothing to download or install to participate, meet your confederates and collaborate together.
Register and create your own virtual learning environments or explore, participate and collaborate on existing ones.
Already registered? Let's create the new virtual world just now! Right after creating, your world will be available for others to explore.
Virtual Learning Environment platform is a fork of the ADL Sandbox persistent web-browser based virtual environment and Virtual World Framework. It based on technologies for distributing computation, Web 2.0, HTML5, JavaScript, WebGL, Node.JS
It is a completely free resource and service for running virtual learning environments in Internet. Project's source code corresponds to the Open Source license and is avaliable through GitHub here.
Everything is ready for creating, exploring and working with virtual learning environments.Nothing needed to download or install on computer.The worlds works just inside a web browser Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari: (WebGL is needed to run. Test my browser for compatibility)